It’s hard to keep up with your carrier and MGA partners’ latest appetite. Visiting dozens of websites, referencing printed guides or PDFs on your agency’s intranet is time-consuming – and could lead to missed sales opportunities. Even if you know your preferred partners’ appetite, as products expand into new classes and states, you could be missing the full picture.
Having an application that provides integrated appetite into your current system and workflows gives you consistent, real-time appetite and eligibility details at the moment you need them.
Why Real-Time Appetite Matters to Your Business
What the Numbers Say
of mid-market business is ultimately declined
Source: Ivans Connectivity Survey 2021
15 min or less
is the average amount of time agents using digital appetite tools spend searching for markets
Source: Ivans Connectivity Survey 2021
appetite searches are performed on Ask Kodiak by providers using their API each month
Source: Ivans
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