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Westfield Center, OH


27 Years

As an Ivans Customer

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Employees: 3,000+


Connecting with agency partners the way they want

Westfield Insurance is focused on reducing friction in their agency experience, creating a seamless way to for agents to find appetite and quote within their management systems. While there will always be instances where agents prefer to come to a carrier’s portal directly, Chris Cargill, Head of Digital Distribution, affirms that participating in commercial quoting within agency management systems is table stakes or otherwise risk losing out on new business or remarketing opportunities.

“Offering commercial comparative rating is absolutely required to stay profitable. Ultimately, the carriers that don't participate will either lose out on new business opportunities or not be present when an agent needs to remarket.”
Chris Cargill
Head of Digital Distribution

Ready to Learn More?

Ivans is ready to provide your business the advanced insurance software and solutions to digitally distribute and service products in new ways.