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A Year of Illuminating Insights from Insurtech Godfathers & Trailblazers

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Christen Kelley headshot

By: Christen Kelley


Have you ever wanted to pick the brains of industry changemakers to find out their secrets to success and get the inside scoop on the latest insurtech trends and innovations?

The Insurance Technology Podcast hosted by Reid Holzworth is the next best thing. Tune in as he interviews the insurance technology gurus innovating our industry yesterday, today and tomorrow. These insurtech godfathers and trailblazers bring engaging and thought-provoking conversations informed from their challenges, successes, and continued quests to create innovative insurance technology – from the benefits of using APIs to the importance of digital connectivity and data mining.

Here’s the impressive 2021 lineup of podcast guests and their episodes:

2022 has just begun, and we’ve got another group of fascinating guests scheduled. Subscribe now to never miss an episode! Your favorite insurtech innovator – or one you’ve never heard of but need to know about – might be next!

  • Christen Kelley Headshot

    Christen Kelley

    VP of Marketing for Ivans

    Christen Kelley leads Ivans' overall marketing strategy. She brings more than a decade of insurance technology experience to her role. Kelley holds a master's degree in Communication and Information Technology from Bay Path College, and a bachelor's in Business Administration from Bryant University.

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