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5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Insurance Industry Events

Published: June 20, 2024

Rob Marinello.

By: Robert Marinello


2 Minute Read

5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Insurance Industry Events

Published: June 20, 2024

Rob Marinello.

By: Robert Marinello


The insurance industry is in full swing with events, and it’s not going to stop any time soon. Whether focused on insurance technology, claims, underwriting, or other insurance hot topics, these events are a prime opportunity to network, learn and grow. At the same time, we recognize that it can be overwhelming to walk into a space with hundreds or thousands of attendees with dozens or more sessions and events to choose from. Let’s take a look at five tips you can use to make the most out of your upcoming insurance industry events.

1. Check Out the Event Website and App

Just like insurtech, industry events are always evolving. Many events are adding networking apps, ways to build your own agenda, and other web-based tools so you can get the most out of your attendance. Do your research on the event website and download the app if there is one. Apps and websites usually include everything from session offerings to networking events, and sometimes, you can even see who else may be attending. Find out as much information and schedule meetings before the event.

2. Create Your Own Agenda

It’s always smart to go to an industry event with a plan in mind. Insurance events are full of learning and networking opportunities, but sometimes the number of options can be overwhelming. It’s helpful to have a plan of what sessions you want to attend and who you want to try to connect with. Go with an objective in mind, whether it is to network or learn more about a specific topic.

3. Connect with Current and Potential Partners

Many insurance and insurtech events have an exhibit hall to visit current partners and investigate new ones. When selecting booths to visit, its important you know what problems you are trying to solve, not just the type of technology they offer. In the end, you want to work with a partner who is there to help you solve problems or optimize how your organization works.

4. Seek Out New Topics to Learn

There’s always something new to learn in insurance, and usually an abundance of sessions to choose from at industry events. Even in topics you’re involved in every day, like underwriting and claims, there is always something new to learn. If there is a topic that is intimidating to you, whether it’s AI, data analytics or something entirely different, don’t be afraid to learn something new. As you investigate, make sure to not get distracted by ‘shiny objects’ but instead dig in on things that can truly help your business.

5. Follow Up with New Connections

While you’re networking, be sure to collect contact information for potential partners, clients and peers. Before you follow up, see if you can research their company and find out how you can potentially work together. At the same time, the number of unsolicited emails people get can be overwhelming. Mention “follow-up” in your subject line or “nice to meet you” to show the person that you are not spam. If you show interest in what they do, they’re probably more likely to express interest in what you do as well. And don’t forget about social media. LinkedIn connections are a valuable way to expand your network.

Let Your Providers Help You Navigate Change

If fear is holding you back from letting go of old technology and embracing the modern agency management system, know that you’re not on this journey alone. Applied has integration experts who have extensive experience leading agencies through digital transformation. These experts are committed to making the transition as easy as possible and are there with you every step of the way. We have first-hand experience seeing the migration process reduced from six months to as little as two months with the help of migration experts. Many of these professionals also have agency experience and have gone through similar migrations. With the right technology provider, there is ongoing training with specialists to make the process as painless as possible.

See Where Ivans Will Be

At Ivans, we attend our fair share of events throughout the year. We hope to connect with you at an upcoming insurtech event.

  • Rob Marinello.

    Robert Marinello

    Director of Partnerships

    As director of partnerships, Robert has overall accountability for the management, development and relationship management with Ivans’ key strategic partners. He has spent the majority of his career in the insurance industry and had held a variety of roles in operations, product management and sales.

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